Monday 2 April 2012

Final Product: No place like home

No Place Like Home.

We had a little bit of difficulty playing it on Windows Movie Maker as it the shots were jumping and didn't seem to run smoothly with the sound effects we added, so we both agreed to play it on YouTube we thought that it was our best option.

Evaluation: how did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the consturction of this project I have used a range of different technology, some I have used in previous media project and others I have learnt from through the months doing my film poster, magazine and trailer.
The main technology source I have used is my camera, by experimenting with different angles and composition I have been able to choose and create a professional looking image to use for my film magazine and film poster to support the trailer I have also put together. I have also used the internet for 'picnik editing site' and the programme Photoshop Cs3 to layer my two photos together to create a ghostly effect to compliement the horror genre I wanted to achieve.
My favourite part of doing this project was filming our teaser trailer, the reason being is that Rebecca and I had worked really well together and set out everything we planned to achieve. We also had taken turns in filming parts of the trailer which gave us both chance of putting what we wanted in the shots. 
However, what I found challenging was creating a blog online, this procedure did take a lot of getting used to because I had trouble posting my workon my blog however, I have learnt and become familiar to the 'blogger' site and eventually become a success that I am proud of.