Monday 2 April 2012

Final Product: No place like home

No Place Like Home.

We had a little bit of difficulty playing it on Windows Movie Maker as it the shots were jumping and didn't seem to run smoothly with the sound effects we added, so we both agreed to play it on YouTube we thought that it was our best option.

Evaluation: how did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the consturction of this project I have used a range of different technology, some I have used in previous media project and others I have learnt from through the months doing my film poster, magazine and trailer.
The main technology source I have used is my camera, by experimenting with different angles and composition I have been able to choose and create a professional looking image to use for my film magazine and film poster to support the trailer I have also put together. I have also used the internet for 'picnik editing site' and the programme Photoshop Cs3 to layer my two photos together to create a ghostly effect to compliement the horror genre I wanted to achieve.
My favourite part of doing this project was filming our teaser trailer, the reason being is that Rebecca and I had worked really well together and set out everything we planned to achieve. We also had taken turns in filming parts of the trailer which gave us both chance of putting what we wanted in the shots. 
However, what I found challenging was creating a blog online, this procedure did take a lot of getting used to because I had trouble posting my workon my blog however, I have learnt and become familiar to the 'blogger' site and eventually become a success that I am proud of.  

Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation: What have you learnt from you audience feedback?

I had found feedback for my main task and ancillary tasks very useful. I had asked four of my peers what they thought of my three potential final outcomes and they had gave me great feedback I could work towards to create a good final product. One of my peers suggested to change the the font for my film poster, by doing this I have learnt that other peoples views as well as your own can help you recieve great outcomes and help you look further in depth at other ideas.

Evaluation: how effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary tasks?

Rebecca and I both agreed to start filming the trailer first before  beginning the accillary tasks the reason for doing this is because we can design own own magazine front cover and film poster from the ideas of our final outcome of our trailer. I have tried to link my accillary tasks in as much as I can with my final product and I think it has been successful. In the main task we had used a 'masked mysterious character' and I had tried my best to keep the same 'mysteriousness' throughout my work, for example I had photoshopped two of my best images and layered them both together to create a ghostly image which I personally think works rather well, also adding red text on the horror magazine as well as the movie poster which I thought was appropriate because of the gore scenes in the trailer. I had made sure I kept the same colour scheme of black red and white throughout my work, the reason for choosing these colours were because I accociate red and black with danger and evil, which worked really well in the genre of horror.

Evaluation: In what ways does you media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions for real media products?

Before I started filming my horror teaser trailer, I had analysed many forms and conventions of the horror genre, for example analysing real life horror magazines, visiting horror attractions (London Dungens) and analysing teaser trailers on the internet and television. In many ways I have used the sources from my research to help me develop my final outcome. By analysing teaser trailers not just of the horror genre but others, it has helped me realise what techniques I would have to carry out to create the best horror trailer I could. For example I had used quick and slow shots to build tension and gorey scenes which would appeal to the audience as I found out during a questionnaire I created. However I had challenged some conventions too, one of these were changing part of the storyline half way through the making of the trailer, we thought by adding scarier parts for example 'one, two I'm coming for you' and 'three, four I'm at your door' it would add a more psychopathic elements and give the sense the 'mysterious character' had made her loose her mind.
In many horror movie trailers the target audience only look for the gorey scenes and do not really pay much attention to the storyline, the reason I know this is because I had asked 8 people watching one trailer 'what they paid attention to most?' and the majority of the group admittedly said the bloody scenes of the trailer. By carrying out that experiment we decided to challenged this convention because we had put less gorey scenes and more leading up to the actual quick shots to add suspense and by doing this we thought it would give the audience time to really know and feel what was going on in the movie trailer.

Thursday 29 March 2012

questionnaire results

I am defiantly going to use the colour scheme of black and red despite of the results, because as a personal point of view the colours red and black is what I would associate with a horror genre. 

experiment shots

Rebecca and I wanted to experiment with different angles when filming the ‘mysterious character’ even though a few of these shots didn’t work very well, it helped us to develop more ideas to create better shots.