Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation: how effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary tasks?

Rebecca and I both agreed to start filming the trailer first before  beginning the accillary tasks the reason for doing this is because we can design own own magazine front cover and film poster from the ideas of our final outcome of our trailer. I have tried to link my accillary tasks in as much as I can with my final product and I think it has been successful. In the main task we had used a 'masked mysterious character' and I had tried my best to keep the same 'mysteriousness' throughout my work, for example I had photoshopped two of my best images and layered them both together to create a ghostly image which I personally think works rather well, also adding red text on the horror magazine as well as the movie poster which I thought was appropriate because of the gore scenes in the trailer. I had made sure I kept the same colour scheme of black red and white throughout my work, the reason for choosing these colours were because I accociate red and black with danger and evil, which worked really well in the genre of horror.

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