Wednesday 28 March 2012


This poster is for ‘One Missed Call’, I personally think this poster has very positive effects, for example the image, text and the rhetorical question at the top link in really well together, as the title of the movie is simple but the image is memorable due to the two mouths photo shopped as eyes which I think works brilliantly.
The designer of this poster has thought really well about the image of this poster, because even though you see a person holding a phone there are special effects on the image which tells the audience the caller/ murder is still anonymous, which draws the audience to go and see the film. 
Lastly, the date and rhetorical question links well together as well because when you look at one you are instantly drawn to the other due to the red text. Another reason being the poster is suggesting to the audience that ‘January 4th’ is the day you will hear your self die. - ‘WHAT WILL IT SOUND LIKE WHEN YOU DIE?’

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