Thursday 29 March 2012

Beginning of Filming.

Tuesday 20th October:
We began filming the main shots we wanted to be in our trailer and worked around the main shots we had. We began filming the front door, we had decided to use 3 seconds for each shot of the door to build suspense on the audience (3 seconds filming the door with silence, then 3 seconds banging on the letter box and lastly shaking and banging the door)
We thought it would work really well due to watching other horror trailers and us as an audience were inspired by the directors work.
We also filmed the idea of the ‘unexpected visitor’ being at the door with a distaughted face due to the pattern on the window. However, it did look terrifying we thought introducing the main character at the first shots of the trailer would give the storyline away too soon into it.
Another idea we had filmed today was having the actress sitting on the chair tided up as she has been captured by the ‘unexpected visitor’ we used scared/ distressed facial expressions to connote her feelings to the audience. However looking at the shot as we uploaded them onto the computer, we decided that it didn’t work well as the camera was shaky and looked unprofessional. Then we came up with the idea of sitting by the tree outside looking very aware and terrifying of the man that has just broke into her house.

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