Thursday 29 March 2012


Rebecca and I agreed use her laptop at home to do the editing for our trailer, there fore she can bring the laptop into school and we could edit as much as we needed, however I have the same software on my computer at home using a laptop would be a lot more simple so we could use the time we had together more efficiently.
        When looking at the shots once uploaded onto the laptop, we realised that they were dark and hard to see which didn’t look very professional, there and then we re-filmed parts with a brighter lighting, we also came up with new ideas which we thought would improve these shots, such as using a strobe light on the door to add to the suspense, again we didn’t use it because it was too dark but it’s a situation we can learn from.
        By using Windows Movie maker, I have learnt how to edit the shots by fading them in and out and using white flashes to over exaggerate the tension of the shots we have filmed. I had also cut the shots, some to a minimum amount of 3 or 4 seconds to fit the sound effects we had chosen from YouTube, by doing this I had to convert the sound effect to an MP3 effect so Windows movie maker would recognise it.

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